DC Knight - v7 Chapter 152 The Supreme Comes

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In the original dc universe, this new 52dc universe generated because of Ke Wenka's restarting time point, shocking changes are taking place.


During the confrontation between the five-dimensional universe and the former goddess of creation, Papetua, Ke Wen, who understood that he could not stop the opponent's actions with his current strength, resolutely detonated the six-dimensional universe as the highest control room in the DC multiverse. This is the master control room that manages the entire dc multiverse beneath the wall of origin, and where it all starts.


With the collapse of the six-dimensional universe, the explosion.


The chaotic, disordered, and restless force of creation is scrambling through the DC multiverse, disrupting the five-dimensional universe, the four-dimensional universe, and the three-dimensional universe, the three most important components of the DC multiverse. All established objective and subjective laws of existence begin to collapse and subvert. The first to bear the brunt of all imaginations, the five-dimensional universe where the source of magic is embodied, is directly dismembered by the creation force of the six-dimensional universe.


Next is the new god, the four-dimensional universe where the old gods lived, and the reality that Ke Wen and the others lived in, that is, the three-dimensional universe.


Time stops flowing, people and things sometimes turn into pictures, sometimes they return to their original state, sometimes black and white, and sometimes color.


If I want to use a more vivid example to show it, it is a torn and fragmented comic book. The frame and content of the book were scattered on the ground under the violent tearing, and the front and back content overlapped. Without the outline of the book, only chicken feathers remained. In the combined edition of , Ke Wen, who detonated the six-dimensional universe, and Papetua, who was once the goddess of creation, exist here.


Their own special existence made them ignore the dc multiverse collapse that covered 52 light parallel universes and 52 dark parallel universes. But such a situation was unacceptable to Papetua.


It is true that he can ignore the collapse of the multiverse. On the contrary, such a collapse has given him unprecedented power of crisis. It can be said that he is stronger than his imagination at this time. But what's the point of this, such a power is very strong in the face of the Supreme who created the concept of the DC universe, but it is only very strong, he has lost the important capital to negotiate with the Supreme - the earth.


"what have you done!"


Looking at the earth below, which was the supreme heart of the world, it was torn apart at this time, and Papetua, who had controlled his body size to ten meters, looked at Ke Wen, and he, who could not control his emotions, roared there. He didn't understand why Ke Wen dared to do this, and directly detonated the six-dimensional universe to achieve such a result of both perishing. In the end, the cheapest is still the highest.


Because of all the chaos, even if the earth is torn apart at this time, there will be no so-called planetary explosion, and the lives living on the earth are also surviving in a strange state. The problem is that Papetua, who is so powerful that he is beyond his imagination at this time, can't make any remedy. Without the master control room of the six-dimensional universe, he can't repair the multiverse that has collapsed into chicken feathers at this time.


"Like what I said just now, let you eat all at once, the power of endless crisis, now you can achieve what you want to do."


He detonated the six-dimensional universe connected to himself. Ke Wen's state at this time was not too good. Those Heisei Knight series belts stored in his system space had all collapsed. At this time, he was only a special form. Just ordinary people in this collapsing multiverse.


Sitting down on the spot, Ke Wen looked at the earth below which was in a state of shattering, and looked at the familiar faces on the earth on the brink of life and death, and said sorry in his heart. If you want to break Papetua's moves, you can only use this kind of off-board move, otherwise both of them are the founders of this DC multiverse. In a classic saying, the same master teaches Yes, it can't be broken.


Detonate the six-dimensional universe, use the influence of the six-dimensional universe to spread to the entire DC multiverse, and bring Papetua and himself back to the same starting line.


Of course, for Ke Wen, this is returning to the same starting line, but for Papetua, he has lost the capital to confront the Supreme.


"You don't even know what you did! You stupid outsider!"


"Actually, I know very well, just like now, I think the existence who created the concept of the DC universe has already seen a good show, right?"


For Papetua's anger, Ke Wen was very indifferent, and the words he said also made Papetua, the former goddess of creation, show fear on the expression. Looking at the multiverse that collapsed in series due to the explosion of the six-dimensional universe, He seemed to understand something. At the moment, he did not have the intention to continue wrangling with Ke Wen, and the power of endless crisis poured into him, and he moved rapidly in the opposite direction.


As the creator **** of this DC multiverse, the collapse of the multiverse will not affect him at all. On the contrary, in the context of the collapse of the multiverse, the power of endless crisis has made Papetua powerful to a height that he cannot understand. But when Ke Wen said these words. He was frightened, and he understood that a power like himself had no ability to resist in the face of the existence that created him.


In the past, I also thought of relying on the existence of this multiverse, relying on the existence of the earth, and negotiating with the Supreme through the power of unlimited crisis, so as to obtain the freedom from the Supreme. But now, without any support, Papetua, who only has the power of crisis, can only give up this useless fantasy and choose the last method, which is to escape.


The collapse of the new 52dc multiverse that He and Ke Wen jointly created failed His plan, but it also gave Papetua a chance. Without the shackles, there is only one wall of origin that spans the concept of the DC universe. For him, this is not a problem. The power of the surging crisis on his body has given him confidence. Escape to the world beyond the walls.


Living in those broader and infinite almighty universes, even the Supreme Being cannot cross into the almighty universes that do not belong to him and do it to himself. He can still be free!


Thinking like this, the power of endless crisis turned into a key to freedom and slammed into the wall of origin. And Ke Wen, who was in the same place, also knew Papetua's plan for the disappearance of Papetua and the change of the Wall of Origin at the end of the universe. Just watching Papetua do this, Ke Wen just shook his head and showed a pitiful expression.


"So sometimes it's not good to know too much. Even if you know the world outside the wall, you can't even find the wall you want to climb over, Papetua..."


Obviously, Papetua didn't hear Ke Wen's chatter. He was just standing on this wall of origin, looking at the light after the wall was broken, and there was an expression of hope on his face, because he was about to usher in freedom!


The walls broke open, and Papetua left the fragmented new 52dc multiverse, following the white light of the wall of origin. But when he escaped from the Wall of Origin, thinking he could enter the vast, omnipotent universe that was no longer under the control of the Supreme Being. Everything that caught his eye made his expression dull.


It can be seen that outside the wall of origin, the omnipotent universe that Papetua thinks is free does not exist.


What he can see is another wall of origin, and through this transparent wall of origin, what he sees is another earth that includes multiple forms of existence, and another DC multiverse composed of it. He can see a new reboot going on in this dc multiverse. The same self exists in this multiverse.


This Papetua of the DC multiverse is also like himself, born from the six-dimensional universe, following the supreme mission, and creating the five-dimensional, four-dimensional, three-dimensional and other multi-dimensional universes through the six-dimensional universe. Immediately he understood his ending, and before he could resist, a big hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed Papetua, the goddess of creation in the dc multiverse, and crushed it.


Turned into nutrients to nourish the restarted DC multiverse, followed by the explosion of Krypton in the three-dimensional universe, carrying the last naturally born baby of Krypton, the orphan of Krypton named Carl El, flew towards the solar system. . As the ship traveled, the dc multiverse began to spawn, just like the new 52dc multiverse that Papetua had just left.


"This... this..." Looking at everything that happened in the wall of origin in front of him, Papetua didn't react for a while, turned his head to look at the wall of origin that had just escaped behind him, and then looked at the one in front of him. The wall of origin, his cognition is collapsing.


At this moment, a voice that Papetua didn't want to hear sounded above his head.


"Do you really think you can escape all this, Papetua?"


This is the voice that Papetua didn't want to hear, but he had to face it, because he had no way to escape.


Turning slowly, Papetua looked at this nightmare that he had never dared to face.


I didn't use the giant eagle that represented my incarnation like when I was sealed before. At this time, the Supreme was like an ordinary person, but he couldn't see his face clearly, and he stood there calmly, but put Papetua's supreme pressure. And Supreme did not sanction Papetua for the first time. On the contrary, he stood there like this. With the pressure of Supreme, Papetua's figure was also shrinking, becoming the same size as Supreme.


And behind the confrontation between the two is the new 52dc multiverse that has collapsed and the wall of origin has broken open, and on one side is another wall of origin that is erected, another DC multiverse that is being derived.


Perhaps it was the first time that a creature had rebelled against Him, the Creator, for the first time in countless time, or maybe it was because of the previous confrontation with the three Kewens, which gave the Supreme a little more leisure. He looked at Papetua, who had completely lost his heart of resistance at this time, and said indifferently: "Go ahead, you have at least three more words to say."


ha? The indifferent words made Papetua's broken heart a little bit, and he looked at the Supreme who didn't treat himself as a dish at all. Papetua looked at everything around him and made a final struggle.


"I should accept my fate."


"It's not this sentence." Zhi Gao shook his head and said indifferently.


"I shouldn't use the earth to threaten you."


"It's not like that either."


"Maybe from the beginning, I should cooperate with him. Use his power to fight against you?"


"Use his power to fight against me?"


Zhigao turned his head and looked at Ke Wen who was still sitting in the collapsing multiverse, and then looked at Papetua in front of him. Papetua didn't play absent-mindedly attack or escape like he did in the TV series. He didn't want to, but he couldn't do it. And Zhigao turned back, looked at Papetua in front of him, and said in a sympathetic tone: "You don't understand at all."


Saying that, he stretched out his hand.


Facing Supreme's indifferent hand, Papetua couldn't resist, and could only watch the hand that Supreme's stretched out keep expanding in front of him, and then retracted with the Supreme's hand. Papetua also found himself standing on the palm of the Supreme. And the Supreme did nothing to Papetua, just kept climbing. In Papetua's eyes, the universe is constantly changing.


Before, he could only see the changes of the other dc multiverse in the other wall of origin, as the height climbed. Only then did he realize that what he saw was still too small.


At this time, He is standing in the palm of the supreme, looking down from the palm of the supreme, is the wall of origin after another, and the dc multiverse that is being born or is already operating in the wall. Looking at the endless DC multiverse and the walls of origin, Papetua understood what despair was, and Supreme also spoke the truth enough to make Papetua collapse.


"You did get the truth beyond the wall from him, and you know that I'm not omnipotent. But so what, how do you feel that you can escape this wall, I never said that there is only one wall of origin If the so-called omnipotent universe is likened to a library, then I am the bookshelf manager and creator of the concept of dc.


What if you escaped from the book of the multiverse you are in? There are countless books in front of you that are exactly the same, and the same or different stories are happening. The books in this shelf can be added as long as I'm around, unless I burn and destroy the shelf myself. Otherwise, no matter how you escape, you are still spinning around in this bookshelf. This is the reality. "


Papetua collapsed on the palm of his hand, looking at the truth he saw. At this moment, he realized how ridiculous what he had done before. Even if Ke Wen did not collapse the multiverse, with his infinite power of crisis and the supreme and most beloved earth, could he really be free?


Now it seems that it is really a joke, unless the Supreme will send himself away. Otherwise, as he sees now, he is just jumping from one cage to another, and he cannot bear such a reality.


"Now that you understand, then accept your original destiny."


There is no mercy for Papetua, after explaining everything to Papetua, the supreme one-handed one.

Papetua didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting, so he was held by the Supreme, and then he just threw it away. The irresistible Papetua turned into a light spot and fell on the wall of the origin of the new 52dc universe that was previously broken by Papetua. With the fall of Papetua, the Wall of Origin was restored to its original state again, and the Supreme, also falling towards this collapsed new 52dc multiverse, fell in front of Ke Wen.


Seeing this existence appearing in front of him, Ke Wen was not surprised. In other words, from the moment he knew that he had changed his place in the new 52dc universe and restarted, he had already been prepared for the appearance of the Supreme Being, but he just didn't expect that this matter would be so big, so big that he didn't know it. The future feeds back into the present where he is, and the Supreme does not appear until he collapses the entire multiverse.


"Solved?" Zhi Gao still couldn't see his face clearly, but Ke Wen didn't panic, and asked Zhi Gao in a tone of asking an acquaintance.


"Yes, let him see the truth, he understands his own destiny, and accepts his own destiny. But you, you should know that it is pointless to do so, I will not give up on your erasure because of your help, Your power threatens the operation of the concept of the DC universe I created, maybe you should try to resist like the other three relatively parallel and independent you."


For Supreme's kind advice, Ke Wen waved his hand and stood up from the void.


"Forget it, if you have mastered the entire six-dimensional universe, you will be able to deal with a Papetua. And the Papetua who absorbed the power of endless crisis just now is so powerful that I can't understand it, from leaving to you Come here, have you made a decent resistance? Now it seems that in the future I don't know, I am the three parallel universes that were born because of my various decisions.


It is never a threat to you, you just feel that erasing it like this is too distressing for those new multiverses that have been derived from it. Alas, the loss is a bit miserable. "


Scratching his head, looking at the multiverse that collapsed because he detonated the six-dimensional universe, Ke Wen also joked to himself there.


As for Ke Wen, who seems to be admitting it at this time, Supreme can also feel that the power that can threaten him and change the concept of the DC universe he created has disappeared from Ke Wen in this original universe. This made him very satisfied, so he didn't mind chatting with Cowen a few more words there.


"But you did surprise me. For countless time, I have seen too many existences like you in this conceptual universe I created. But you are the first choice I have seen to help the universe break down. cycle, rather than being the one in or over it. . . ”


In the end, Zhi Gao pondered for a while before redefining Ke Wen.


"Human? Well, it's a good evaluation. Anyway, I'm really not interested in being a god, super-dimensional person or something, and I can't be. But there is one thing you are mistaken, you just happened to see me, no It means that there will be no next one in your created and infinitely derived dc concept universe, maybe right now when you and I are talking, there will be a new guy who does the same thing as me, but this infinitely derived universe is too Big, you didn't have time to pay attention."


Ke Wen said indifferently there, not at all afraid of what would happen next.


For Ke Wen's self-evaluation, Zhi Gao also nodded his approval. Only then did he look at the new 52dc multiverse that collapsed due to the interference of Ke Wen's time travel, and was then detonated by Ke Wen's single-handedly detonating the six-dimensional universe.


"Then what will happen next, you already understand, right?"


"When I detonate the entire six-dimensional universe, I know what will happen, let's do it."


"Goodbye then, Kamen Rider Liqi Kewen, I will remember you, but I don't think you will know who I am."




For the supreme declaration of victory, Ke Wen still stood there, showing an indifferent smile. In the hands of the Supreme Creator, endless rays of light are released, shrouding the collapsed multiverse. every corner.


Endless rays of light are released, covering this collapsing multiverse. As the light dissipated, only the Supreme Creator was left standing in chaos. Then, just like He once created all things, the originally collapsed multi-dimensional universe was born again from chaos. After establishing the framework, as a resident of the six-dimensional universe, The three monitor brothers who had been erased by the Supreme reappeared again, but this time they didn't remember throwing a fist at their creator.


They just started to expand 52 light parallel universes and 52 dark parallel universes from the main universe according to their mission after they were born. When everything was finalized, the starting point of everything started again. With the explosion of Krypton, which was on the verge of destruction in the main universe, carrying a baby Superman's spaceship flew out, and the two parallel universes of light and darkness began to operate. One after another, the same characters, but under different fate choices, were born.


As the baby Superman came to earth and was adopted by the Kent couple in Smallville town, another DC universe that he was familiar with began to run. Just like the DC universes he created, every superhero born in it, only It needs to keep moving forward until an irresistible big event touches the protection mechanism of this DC multiverse and automatically enters the restart.


Everything was supposed to be like this, but as the original universe that came and resolved itself, the Supreme did not leave. In this way, He looked down at the operation of the earth in the void, looking down at these beings who were created by himself again, but he felt that something was wrong. In his body, Ke Wen of the previous three independent universes was still trapped, and he fought repeated battles with his differentiated will.


And Ke Wen, the original universe, was erased by Him when he reshaped the multiverse just now. In order to prevent this from happening again, Papetua, who escaped before, was also crushed by him and turned into nourishment to reinforce the wall of origin of the DC multiverse. It can be said that even if someone behind the wall realizes that it is beyond the wall of origin No matter what, they can't break this cage.


In this way, everything is over. In this DC multiverse that has been reshaped by itself, people will still yearn for heroes to appear when they are helpless, and heroes will indeed appear, and there is no need to build a void. , the symbols that exist in film and television, books and works to comfort themselves.


The origin and history of Kamen Rider caused by Ke Wen in the last universe has been completely erased!


Looking at the many superheroes on the earth following their previous trajectories, Supreme will no longer stop. What he will do next is to lock up Ke Wen of the other three independent universes in his body again, and let these three guys stay in him. Just play in the cage you set up.


The story should have ended here, but when the Supreme was about to leave, what happened on Earth at a secret base in a mountain in Japan stopped the Supreme.


"How is this going···"


Whispering in his mouth, the supreme figure disappeared from the void, and when he reappeared, he was already in this so-called secret base. This is a standard villain organization secret base, standard assembly line design, with an organization logo hanging in the lobby, and then routinely shouting anti-human slogans every day, and then going to make trouble, and then being removed by superheroes or direct government forces.


But this is not the point of the Supreme Being here. His point is that in the human laboratory of this secret base at this time, a young man was stripped of his clothes and his hands and feet were tied to the operating table. And around the conscious young man, he didn't know, wearing a monster mask, holding a bright scalpel in his hand, surrounded by instruments he didn't know about.


Everything is a sign of what is waiting for him. Fear and anger make him scream, and no one in this secret base cares. On the contrary, they ignore the shouts of the young people and say to themselves. on.


"You should be honored, this is a new world."


"The torso or the head first?"


"Of course it's the torso. It's just a brainwashing operation on the head. Why put it in the first step..."


In the sound of talking about life as an object, a transformation operation for this young man began. Zhigao stood by and looked at this young man who was struggling in the human body modification operation. With his ability, he could naturally see the future. Because he did not perform the brainwashing operation in the first place, when this young man obtained the After a transformed human body, rely on the power brought by this body.


He broke free, destroyed the base, and regained his freedom.


And because of his own experience and the conscience in his heart, he didn't want the tragedy that happened to him to happen to others. So he put on a special battle uniform, grabbed the vehicle developed by the base, put on a mask, and became a masked knight, also known as No. 1!


The picture was pulled back to reality, and the Supreme looked at the present that had not yet happened, and looked at the base of the assembly line, and did not understand why in the new universe with many superheroes, the Kamen Rider who should not and could not exist would use this There must be a problem somewhere!


Looking at the reconstruction surgery in progress in front of him, Zhigao stretched out his hand and flicked on the timeline of the birth of Knight No. 1. The picture of the future he saw began to change rapidly, and the changed future also reflected back to the present moment. in reality.


As the Creator, the only thing He cannot do is to interfere with the actions of a being under its own will.


But it is much simpler to control, or to implant an idea, an idea, in this life's mind, so that this life can make the choices it wants according to the ideas in its mind.


The implantation of an idea and the occurrence of a series of small accidents made this unknown operation of human transformation continue to have problems. What followed was the struggle of the young man lying on the operating table, which also made the researchers at the base feel noisy and troublesome.


"He's really disobedient. Let him be honest with brainwashing surgery first."


With the implementation of the brainwashing operation, the fate of the young man on the operating table was also determined, while Zhigao watched the operation from the side, and the scene in front of him began to flow, and came to the reality one month later.


But the scene in front of him once again subverted the supreme cognition.


It was still the young man who had undergone brainwashing at his own arrangement. He should have become the evil minion of this organization, but at this time, in front of the Supreme, was holding the woman who fell in his arms, put on a mask, and rode on his back. The locomotive has become a partner of justice. With the passage of time, Knight No. 1 was born again!


"This is impossible!"


The gaffe's words came out of Supreme's mouth. Looking at the reality in front of him, the young man who has become a tool man under brainwashing has no reason to regain himself and become the so-called knight number one again.


I felt that I was being calculated by the Supreme Being raised his hand again, modifying the reality once again.


This time, Supreme began to modify directly from the past, so that the young man who should be lying on the operating table was disconnected from the organization that transformed him. He dialed the time back to a month ago, the organization that should have existed. With the cooperation of the government and superheroes, it was completely removed, and nothing slipped through the net.


But he didn't expect this young man who should have escaped to appear at the scene where this evil organization was removed. UU read www.uukanshu.com watching these weirdos who were burned in Superman's hot sight, escaped in the battle. The citizen of , this young man with an IQ of 220, the justice in his heart began to sprout, three months after this evil organization was removed in advance, the No. 1 named Kamen Rider appeared in people's field of vision again.


Looking at this scene with the same result, Supreme revises reality again.


But no matter whether he chooses to erase the young man who became Knight No. 1, or wipe out the birth of an evil organization from the source, the warrior named Kamen Rider No. 1 will always appear in his eyes, again and again, no matter what he does. Erase and he will appear.


With the birth of this warrior named Kamen Rider No. 1 in front of him, the indifference before the supreme can no longer be maintained.


His figure disappeared and appeared outside the DC concept universe he created. He re-examined and flipped through the original new 52DC multiverse that Cowen came and influenced.


This self-corrected and populated multiverse became a book in the hands of the Supreme.


And Supreme is also constantly reading this book that has been refilled and modified by himself. The frame is still the same frame, and the content is still the same. But the birth of Kamen Rider No. 1 has become an important page in this book.


With the continuous and repeated reading of the Supreme, the content of this book, which was modified and filled by Himself, called the New 52dc Multiverse, has also undergone incredible changes!


User rating: 3.5